Saturday, August 17, 2013

One week until Africa!

So I'm leaving for Africa in a week and almost all I can think about is how excited I am to catch up with my friend Daniella. Of course, I cannot wait to finally step foot in one of the countries I have dreamed about since I was a child with all its exotic scenery, wildlife, and cultural history. The idea of going on a safari and seeing elephants and giraffes and zebras in wild just makes me want to squeal like a 5-year old who just found out he gets to go to Disney World for his birthday (Granted, I would probably still do that now if I was offered a free trip to Disney World). And after studying archaeology for about 3 years, I would never forgive myself for leaving South Africa without visiting the Sterkfontein caves where some of the oldest members of our species have been discovered.

I also should mention that I have distant relatives from my father's side of the family (the original Fittinghoffs--yes, with the "h") living in different parts of South Africa. My dad was actually able to get in contact with one of them who said that his family may be able to show me around. I cannot put into words how amazing it would be to even meet these people I've wondered about most of my life, so I am crossing my fingers that it works out!

On Arthur's Crag in Edinburgh
But let me get back to the real reason I'm even going on this trip-- to see Daniella. Ever since we became friends my freshman year in Florence, she has been one of the most important people in my life. No matter where either of us is in the world, I find myself  wanting so badly to ask her advice when I need to make an important decision. She knows and understand me in a way that no one else does, and appreciates so many of the little things that I do (books, food, traveling, etc.). Plus she has been by my side for many of the crucial changes I've gone through. How could I then pass up the chance to fly off to southern Africa to visit her? She will give me the local perspective that almost every traveler desires, and I will get to catch up on quality time with her that I've been lacking for the past year and a half. It almost seems to perfect to be true.

Every day I get closer to my departure date, the more sure I am about this decision. Of course there are still things that make me anxious-- the thought of sitting on a plane for 15 hours (not including the connecting flights), the thought of getting sick from the food like I did in Ghana, the thought of getting lost in a strange city once I am traveling alone, the thought of not having enough time to do everything I want to do-- but I am finding that for now the excitement for everything else outweighs those thoughts. Although this trip is not as planned out as I would normally like, I am looking forward to the surprises that are in store for me. I know that Daniella will be an amazing host and tour guide while I am with her, and I trust my own ability to find my way once I am alone. After all, I used to take mini trips throughout Italy by myself after only being away from home for a couple months.

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