Sunday, July 21, 2013

And the sewing continues

So the last time - and first time, actually - that I sewed something for myself was the costume I wore last year for the Dickens Fair, which you can see in my previous post about learning to sew.  Since then, I have not really had an occasion to make a costume or piece of clothing I would actually use.  I finally decided a couple weeks ago that it was time I used my machine again, since I don't want my purchase of it to have been a waste.  Plus I think it a good idea to practice every once in awhile so I don't lose the techniques I spent so much time learning.

 I hope to eventually get accustomed to cutting and measuring fabric using my own judgment, but for now I will continue to learn by use of patterns.  This one I grabbed at Joann was for a simple summer dress with elastic.  I figured this was a good next step since I have not used elastic before and would also have the freedom to choose almost any type of fabric I wanted.  Although I somewhat regret my decision now, as I find it a bit too stiff and shiny, I ended up with a flowery fabric that at first glance I found to be quite pretty. 

Of course there are small details that I would go back and fix if I were to make this again, but for my first project in over 6 months, I don't think it turned out too shabby.  And that's all I have to say about that.  Time to clean up all the thread and bits of fabric strewn all over my living room...

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