Saturday, March 22, 2014

...and this week, the banana takes the cake

So for reasons I won't bore you with, this has been a really long week. Every day felt like it was dragging on, like time was slowing just to make me miserable. I know how self-centered that sounds, but that's how much I did not enjoy this week. Except for last night when I went to see the new Muppet movie at El Capitan Theater in Hollywood with some friends. That was a lot of fun, especially since we got a pre-show with Kermit and Miss Piggy themselves right on stage.  I've always loved the Muppets, so seeing that in person pretty much made my week.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...I figured to cheer myself up today after a trip to the farmer's market with my dad to buy my "healthy" food for the week (French yogurt counts, right? Even if it is super rich and creamy...), I would bake something yummy. And I've noticed a couple bananas ripening away on my counter all week, so it's time to do something with them. Plus I've been craving crumb cake for some reason. There's just something about a moist flavorful cake with big chunks of cinnamon-sugar-butter loaded on top, you know? Add a cup of coffee or hot tea and it's pretty much heaven.

So here it is, my new crumb cake recipe (courtesy of I adjusted a few things (made cake flour instead of using all purpose, added a bit of molasses and nutmeg to the batter, opted out of the glaze) but otherwise the original recipe seemed pretty good to me.

I must say, I'm feeling pretty comforted right about now. Yum.

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