Sunday, October 13, 2013

Okay, so I might be a little obsessed with pumpkin...

As I mentioned in my last post, fall flavors are something I look forward to every year. And I have to admit, I might be a bit of a fanatic. Once I buy a can of pumpkin, I have to use every bit of it. And somehow this last week I managed to make three different recipes using just the one can. Last Sunday, I made my family's favorite pumpkin gingerbread recipe (which I am happy to share with anyone interested-- just be warned, it is so addicting that you might eat almost half of it without realizing until it's too late), and then on Thursday I made some quick pumpkin snickerdoodles as a treat for my brothers who I had convinced to come out to see a movie with me. And then this weekend, I had the sudden urge for pumpkin pancakes. If you love pancakes and pumpkin, putting them together like this is pretty much like heaven. Especially when you drizzle maple syrup on top. And maybe add a dollop of butter or cream (since it's already so unhealthy that adding a bit more fat isn't really going to make a difference, right?).  You can even add some toasted pecans if you feel so inclined. Sometimes you just have to embrace the calories, you know?

Some of my coworkers are convinced I'm intentionally trying to fatten them up this year. I wish I could say I had a better excuse for baking so much than for my own guilty pleasure, but that would just be lying to everyone as well as myself.

So if you need some inspiration for what to make on lazy weekend mornings that will satisfy your fall flavor craving and keep you full the rest of the day, I can safely say that any of these recipes will work. I also have plenty more where these came from.